The Enigma of Yonaguni Monument: Lost City or Natural Wonder?

Call me V
4 min readJul 27, 2023


In the azure depths of the Pacific Ocean lies an ancient enigma that continues to bewilder the world — the Yonaguni Monument. Off the coast of Japan’s Yonaguni Island, this mysterious underwater structure has captivated the imaginations of archaeologists, geologists, and thrill-seekers alike. Is it a remnant of an ancient lost civilization, or is it simply a product of Mother Nature’s creative hand? The debate rages on, and the answers may just lie beneath the waves.

[Photo: Vincent Lou from Shanghai, China, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons]

Like a Sleeping Giant

As divers descend into the cerulean abyss, an otherworldly sight awaits them — a colossal stone formation reminiscent of a giant slumbering beneath the waves. Rising from the ocean floor, the Yonaguni Monument reveals an astonishing array of features — sharp angles, flat surfaces, and intriguing terraces that seem too perfect to be naturally formed. It’s as if an ancient civilization crafted this awe-inspiring structure eons ago, leaving it to slumber under the sea.

One theory that fuels the fascination is the possibility that the Yonaguni Monument is the last vestige of a lost civilization, an Atlantis of the East, dating back thousands of years. Could an advanced society have thrived here, constructing this underwater marvel with ingenious engineering techniques? The proponents of this theory point to the intricate stonework and even suggest evidence of ancient roads and buildings. The stones’ alignment with cardinal directions also intrigues experts, fueling speculation of an ancient city aligned with celestial events.

Moreover, the presence of intriguing rock carvings adds to the mystery. Some divers have reported seeing what appears to be a human-like face carved into the stone, often referred to as “The Guardian.” Other enigmatic carvings include animals and inscriptions that could potentially shed light on the monument’s origins. However, interpreting these symbols remains a challenge, as their meaning may be lost to time.

[Photo: Vincent Lou from Shanghai, China, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons]

The Hand of Nature

As compelling as the lost civilization hypothesis may be, skeptics advocate for a more down-to-earth explanation. They propose that the Yonaguni Monument is a natural formation, sculpted over millennia by the relentless forces of erosion and tectonic activity. According to geologists, the island’s volcanic origins could have played a significant role in shaping these awe-inspiring underwater features. Over time, tectonic movements and seismic activity might have uplifted and tilted these ancient rocks, creating the intriguing structures that we see today.

[Photo: Melkov, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons]

Geological research into the Yonaguni Monument offers alternative insights into its formation. Erosional features like step-like terraces and V-shaped grooves, which many have interpreted as artificial, can indeed occur naturally. The region’s geological history indicates periods of rising sea levels and subsequent subsidence, which might have contributed to the creation of these seemingly man-made features.

The Yonaguni Monument remains a captivating and mind-blowing enigma. Is it a lost city, frozen in time beneath the waves? Or is it a natural wonder, crafted by the patient hands of Mother Nature herself? The truth may evade us for now, but one thing is certain — the Yonaguni Monument is a testament to the boundless wonders of our planet, a reminder that there are still mysteries waiting to be unraveled in the unexplored corners of the Earth. Until then, the allure of the Yonaguni Monument remains an irresistible siren’s call, drawing us deeper into its aquatic embrace, beckoning us to unravel its ancient secrets.

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